Unit 2: Individualism, Collectivism, and the Common Good

      Individualism, Collectivism, 
          and the Common Good

Some people say individuals should be responsible for taking care of themselves. Others believe that the government should be responsible for caring for the people in their country. Some say that individuals would be better off if they took care of their own needs. Others believe that they are better served when the government provides the services so all members of society can benefit.
Some people believe that they should be free to do as they wish. They believe that laws only restrict them from doing what they want. Others believe that laws are good because they maintain order, stability, and security.
So far in Unit 1 you have established that beliefs, values, and identity shape ideology. You have also been able to identify if you are an individualist or a collectivist. 

In this unit, you will explore the values of individualism and collectivism and determine if they should shape an ideology. What are the social, political, and economic values that help you determine if you are an individualist or a collectivist?

In this unit, you continue your exploration into what ideology is and how it affects you, members of your community, other Canadians, and people around the world by examining the following issue question:

Should ideology be the foundation of identity? 

Unit Two: List of Assignments, Self-Quizzes, Discussions, and Exams

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